57:34 Ghadeer Speech by Hujjatul Islam Maulana Sayed Uroojul Hasan Sahab | Jashn-e-Imamat-o-Wilayat 2019
GhadeerJanab Danish Faizabaadi (Ghadeer Ashaar)Al Muntazar TVSeptember 23, 2016 - LUD: July 18, 202204428Jashn-e-Eid Ghadeer Danish Faizabaadi GhadeerRelated videos00:59 A grand function Jashn-e-Imamat-o-Wilayat28:02 Lecture 1 – Topic: Necessity of Ghadeer in our Life38:28 Lecture 2 – Topic: Necessity of Ghadeer in our Life42:55 Lecture 3 – Topic: Absolute Obedience37:08 Lecture 4 – Topic: Why did people forsake Imam Ali (a s.)38:26 Tazkera e Ghadeer – Lecture 5 – Topic: The Conspiracy at Saqifah – Part 1